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Jul 14, 2018 at 18:23 comment added Shawn Conn I've rarely since the queue as high 23, but that's anecdotal (also, that's community work, not work for a mod to take unilateral action on) @NoSssweat: Maybe you can make your case using data via the data explorer ( compared against others SE sites?
Jul 13, 2018 at 13:44 comment added Clive Mod I think it would be difficult to answer that @NoSssweat, you'd have to take into account how the time spent moderating is split (there might be 7 mods but if they each only moderate for 5 mins a day each and the 3 of us here do 15 mins each then we've done more), how much moderator-specific work there is to do, the community's involvement, the community's expectations, many other things. I understand why it's tempting to want to compare the two, but even if you successfully extracted some data, I'm not sure it could be meaningful
Jul 13, 2018 at 13:16 comment added No Sssweat Alright @Clive but I will be keeping an eye on these backlogs for the coming weeks & months to see how bad they get. I still wonder how much more efficient the WordPress site is with 7 mods.
Jul 13, 2018 at 11:43 comment added Clive Mod That proves our point nicely @NoSssweat. Only 23 items to be reviewed across he entire site, and they can be handled by the community. Another tick in then”no new mods needed” box.
Jul 13, 2018 at 2:54 comment added No Sssweat Thank you for your input. If there were a large backlog of that work, I'd say yes. But that's not the case either (Immediately goes and looks at the backlog) ummmm...
Jul 13, 2018 at 1:20 history answered Shawn Conn CC BY-SA 4.0