About lastLast week, I tried to publish a similarthe following question here.
What is Drupal designated for, for PHP (Drupal) programmers according to Drupal Association and/or Acquia?
Drupal is the most functional/capable/scalable CMS I know and I also know it is greatly venerated similarly between almost any web developer I met (for about 10 years I know it as scalable in functionality to any other CMS I have used).
My problem
As a non PHP programmer I have a problem of understanding what Drupal programmers (often phrased "Drupal developers") usually do, that cannot be done with the CMS itself.
Given that Drupal:
- Allows constructing webpage templates with generally any kind of field.
- Allows complex forms to be created as with the additional module WebForm
- Allows various context-based condition-reaction parsing modes for webpages, as with the additional module Context
- Allows pulling data from one or more database tables at once, by one or more modules at once (broad API)
- Allows pulling data from one or more database tables at once by a single sophisticated core module (Views) that allows displaying such data in varied and/or supplemented ways
My question
Based on the assumption that Drupal Association and/or Acquia listed one or more designations of Drupal for PHP programmers that I as a non PHP programmer might have missed or misunderstood, I ask:
What is Drupal designated for, for PHP (Drupal) programmers according to Drupal Association and/or Acquia?
The worse question was significantly down voted ;-voted; I only got onea comment from a modmoderator, which was deleted.
Why I think this question is important
I think this question is important because an answer explaining or alternatively accessing PHP-programmer aimed Drupal designations will help humble webmasters such as myself to broaden our general knowledge around Drupal andDrupal; furthermore, if one of us startstarts a job in a company specializing in Drupal development, the smaller the chance we will say or do something absurd.
My question here
Why a concise question to understand what Drupal programmers aimed to do, per formal literature, is rejected?