I just had a look around while waiting for some attention on my own question. As a heavy user on other SE sites I have this observation to make about the state of questions here: Nobody seems to be voting! You guys have a front page full of questions and more than half of them have 0 (zero) votes. Some of them even have hundreds of views and an answer or two, so I know people are around.
Voting, especially on questions, serves many purposes, all of them good for your community. No votes says that nobody cares one way or the other. Even downvotes help people understand the difference between a good question and a bad one. People who really want answers will look around for what gets votes and emulate that. Voting tells people there are other people interested in the topic or appreciate that you went to the effort to write a good question. It also tells potential answeres that people care and might be back to vote on their answers.
Voting is not a zero sum game. Its an economy that you can breathe life into just by clicking. If you read a question and consider it worth of being on the site: upvote. If not, downvote. If anybody should go to the trouble of answering it, upvote. If it's a waste of other people's time, downvote.
If you want to see this community prosper, the worst thing you can do is refrain entirely.
P.S. If you look at the front page today and don't see this affect, it might because I just sorted through the most recent hundred posts or so and used up my 40 vote quota to highlight the most useful, interesting or correct posts I saw. This doesn't excuse you from going out and doing the same. After you read a post, pick an arrow.