Okay, I know *I* want to go to DrupalCon... but I'm just an SE employee.  We want to hear what the community thinks.  There was already [a short promotion post](http://meta.drupal.stackexchange.com/q/523/102) related to the conference, but March is coming up fast, and it's time to start planning in earnest.

Some quick info:

- Drupalcon Denver is nominally March 19-23, 2012. However, there are typically pre/post conference events very worth attending.

- Buying tickets by February 21st we get them for $350/each.  After that it's $400 each. (Unless individual participants happen to be eligible for speaker, sprint leader, or other discounts, but we can hash that out later.)

- The main Hotel (Hyatt Regency) has a $175/night rate for anyone going to the conference.  It's wise to book sooner rather than later -- typically the hotel fills up fast once sessions are announced (November 16th in this case).  We reduce our exposure *considerably* by being in another hotel, as that reduces access to after-hours and informal events where a lot of the real networking happens.

- Not knowing who we're sending or where they live, I can't guess at travel prices.

- Sponsorship opportunities range from $45k down to $4k and include various stuff detailed [here](https://association.drupal.org/sponsor/denver2012).  I have no idea how much money SE plans to throw at this, but (assuming we go, which I think we should), I'll do my best to make sure that whatever number we come up with is spent as effectively as possible.

I can't think of a better opportunity to promote our site to the Drupal community.  In addition to the obvious opportunity to make thousands of attending Drupallers aware that we exist, it's likely that getting a few more Drupal opinion-makers interested in Drupal.SE (or at least convinced that we aren't a threat to Drupal's own support efforts) it'll filter down quickly and help Drupal.SE grow.