Yesterday, I had a couple of hours to kill, so I decided to improve the tag wiki by writing summaries and descriptions for some tags where those were missing.  I didn't modify any existing descriptions, except in a single case, where I replaced generic text (excerpt from Wikipedia) with a text that addressed the use of that specific keyword in a Drupal context.  Today, I see that only a single one of my suggested tag wiki descriptions have been accepted.  The rest must have been rejected by the moderators (my "edit" button is grayed out and I get the "Too many of your edits were rejected, try again in 7 days"-message).

I am familiar with the reasons edits are rejected (summarised [here]( I want to find out how they apply in my case.  The edits were not minor, since I typed in complete desscriptions where none existed previously. They were not comments. And they were not derogatory.  This means that the moderators decided that they were *wrong*.  I am of course not the final judge of that, but I belive I know Drupal reasonable well, and I took care describing the meaning of the tag in a Drupal context, rather than just supplying a dictionary or wikipedia-like description.  If I thought I did not have a clear understanding of the tag in relation to Drupal, I did not write a description for the tag.

Now, being locked out og editing for seven days is not the end of the world.  But in a sense, I feel I am being penalised for doing what I belived was a civic act.  And I am not happy about my work being rejected.  I will certainly not attempt to supply any more tag wiki descriptions here - ever.

But I wonder: Are there any guidelines for how to write tag wiki descriptions?  Since mine were rejected for being wrong, I am curious about the specifications for writing correct ones.

PS: When editing is blocked, the ability to review new user posts should *also* be blocked.  When reviewing, it is very frustrating to not be allowed to correct the bad formatting of code snippets, etc. that frequently show up in posts from new users.