I appreciate this discussion is already kind of resolved over at [Questions about Drupal 8][1], and possibly at [Questions about contrib/core developement][2] (although there wasn't much discussion there) but this question is slightly more specific. There was a question tackled by MPD and Letharion ([Creating Drupal 8 route for AJAX requests][3]) asking for help in creating a Drupal 8 core patch. Surely these kind of questions/discussions should be in the relevant issues in the issue queue for D8 core? Long story short, should we be helping Drupal 8 core development here? [1]: https://drupal.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/906/questions-about-drupal-8 [2]: https://drupal.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/998/questions-about-contrib-core-developement [3]: http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/55303/creating-drupal-8-route-for-ajax-requests