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Questions tagged [unanswered-questions]

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Are there moderation options to mark other's answers as the correct answer?

I recently see a lot of questions that are given attention by the Community-user, but they actually have been answered by the OP. They are just not marked as such. One example of such question is ...
Neograph734's user avatar
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-6 votes
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Can we restrict users with unresolved number of question?

Many times I see some users asking lots of question without accepting answer for old questions. So why can't we have restriction for number of question for a user just like we have for flag(I think so)...
RajeevK's user avatar
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2 answers

What do we do with unanswered questions?

What can we do with unanswered questions? There are many questions with answers that are not selected as correct/needed answer; some just end up with comments only. Community user bumps those answers ...
niksmac's user avatar
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Why do we have so many unaswered questions in Drupal?

In another meta question kiamlaluno pointed out some statistics stating that there are over 2100 unanswered questions - a full 20%. This seems a bit astonishing and high for a site specializing in ...
Ashlar's user avatar
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Answering my own question

I have asked some questions that nobody can answer; sometimes I find a solution, which is a workaround and is working fine for me, though it is not a real answer. In most cases the problem is a ...
anonym-developer's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do increase the "Answered" Percentage Rate?

I stumbled across the stats for all of the SE sites and was interested to see the "Answered" rates of other sites. While DSE is doing pretty well (88%), I know we can do better. One of the biggest ...
user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

What should we do when someone ask a question, then answers it in their own comment?

I found a post where the user ask a valid question, then answers it in their comment. The question is now left open. What should we (as moderators) do?
iStryker's user avatar
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How can we teach/animate the users to participate more on this site?

The answers to a previous question I asked make it clear that the users who actually read here on meta know what the problems are and how to fight them. To summarize: Vote, vote, vote! (A question ...
Berdir's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Accepting answers?

I've noticed that there are 96 questions at time of writing but only a handful it seems have accepted answers. Is this a problem?
Camsoft's user avatar
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