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3 votes

How is this installation related question off-topic?

When a question is closed, keep in mind that closure doesn't not always mean the end of a question. We are also limited with our close reasons. Often, a question needs to be closed, but the stock ...
mpdonadio's user avatar
  • 38.1k
3 votes

How to show I did search on old questions and can't find help before asking new question?

I maintain that it's a duplicate. We don't need a different question for getting xdebug working in every possible IDE or environment, we need the generic steps for all IDEs and environments, which we ...
Clive's user avatar
  • 168k
3 votes

Drupal 8 backbone topic?

If the question revolves around the integration of backbone and Drupal, it's perfectly valid to ask the question here. If the question was about doing something in Backbone, you should go to ...
googletorp's user avatar
  • 35.4k
1 vote

Why can't I delete this question?

The system doesn’t allow you to delete posts which have been positively voted upon, as it indicates the community find value in them; it’s the same on all Stack Exchange sites. If you don’t want to ...
Clive's user avatar
  • 168k

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