It seems to me that you have the whole Version tags considered harmful discussion mixed up pretty well.
Jeff proposed
- Eliminating the version tags on existing questions. We can do this in one click globally.
- Treating version tags as the exception not the rule on new questions -- if you have a strong case to make that the question you are asking is ONLY relevant to one version and can NEVER EVER be relevant to any other version, then -- and only then -- add the version tag.
- If you encounter an old question that is truly specific to a version, and cannot be edited to be version-agnostic, retag it with a version tag.
What he was basically saying was, it's a bad idea to have the most used tags contain "drupal" because people will use them and only them, instead of thinking what the question was about. He didn't want to ban the tag but limit it's use.
Now this ended up with the tag being renamed to numbers only, to avoid having them showing up in auto complete, which was pretty clever. However the point wasn't to disallow the phrase "drupal" in a tag.
The problem with drupal-version tags was that they were easy to put on any question, would be the most used tags. That combo would have the side effect that users wouldn't think about what their question was about but simply put drupal-6 and be done, instead of enriching the question with more and better meta data. drupal-commerce or drupal-something is not likely to have that effect.
- They wont be the most used tag on the site
- They have a specific meaning that doesn't apply to almost any question.
- They describe the content very accurately.
Like I explained in the Why was the drupal-commerce tag nerfed question, commerce and drupal commerce are two complete separate things, which both have meaning in this site.
- commerce is something you should use if you ask a question about anything related to commerce
- drupal-commerce is something you should use for questions about the module.
In some cases you could tag questions with both, but in most cases you cant. The majority of drupal commerce questions is about the commerce API, a few listed below:
If you view these questions, it's pretty clear that these questions are not really about commerce, but how to do something with the module. To merge commerce and drupal-commerce tags would obfuscate it's meaning. If I want to see questions about commerce, I get all these API questions that I don't want to see and vice versa.
We used to have a tag called drupal-behaviors. This is a good example where drupal is redundant and should be removed. When talking about behaviors in a drupal context, people should know that it is related to the JS API.
So in sort, there is really no reason to go hay-wire over tags containing the name drupal, when that is the most sensible thing to call it. There are a few tags that fit this, and this is okay, since the alternative will bring a mess to the tag system.