Here at StackExchange, we try to nurture our new communities to the point that they are mostly self-sustaining. Users gain new privileges allowing them to further shape the site through their participation, as their rep increases. When the site as a whole matures and grows to a certain point, we encourage the community to choose its own moderators.
Unfortunately, Drupal Answers doesn't quite have the community investment in meta that we need before we can hold moderator elections. Meta involvement is crucial to the future of the site -- especially when time for mod elections rolls around. We need good, well-rounded nominations, candidates who have been involved in meta enough to be invested in the decisions made here, and enough active users on meta to ensure that the site's community is well represented when voting takes place.
So, I put it to those of you already here reading meta... how do we get the Drupal Answers community to be more active on meta?
Some things that have worked for other sites:
Trying to generate more meta activity, in the hope that more users will be drawn in.
Scheduling a chat event or two and making meta participation one of the topics covered there.
Having a moderator or Community Team member more actively feature select meta posts in the hope of raising meta awareness on the main site.
Of course, these are just a few ideas off the top of my head. What I really want is your ideas, and your input on what's been suggested. You know your community best, and you should be the people most invested in helping it grow and thrive.